[2017/7/10] Long Lived Assets

PPE Acquisition (1) expense vs. capitalize –> effect on FS (2) acquisition cost (3) interest capitalization Depreciation (1) definition (2) how to calculate (3) others Valuation (1) revaluation (2) impairment 1. Acquisition (1) Capitalize –> future economic benefit이 probable한 경우에만! […]

[2017/7/6] Inventories

우리가 배워야 할 것들 1. Basic Equation -Beginning Inventory + purchase = goods available for sale -goods available for sale = cost of goods sold + ending inventory 2. Acquisition 3. Cost Allocation Process -how to calculate -effect on FS […]

[2017/7/3] Financial Analysis Techniques

Financial Analysis에 새용되는 여러 방법론 1. Ratio Analysis 2. Common-size Analysis 3. Graphical Analysis 여러가지 Ratio들 1. (capital stock + additional paid in stock ) / Retained Earning -전자: 주주들에게 불입한 돈 -후자: 그렇게 해서 쌓인 돈 2.  부채비율 = […]

[2017/6/30] Financial Reporting Mechanics

경영상의 행위(activity)는 크게 operating, investing, financing으로 나눌 수 있다. Financial Statement Element: The major classifications of assets, liabilities, owners’ equity, revenues, and expenses. -Account: specific records within each element where various transactions are entered. -chart of account(COA): 자기네 재무제표의 계정 […]

[2017/6/28] 손익계산서 개괄

Understanding Income Statement 통상적인 손익계산서의 형태 Revenue (Cost of Goods Sold) –> CGS  or COGS Gross Profit (매출총이익) (Operating Expense) –> 1. selling expense 2. admin expense (including dep. exp) (판매관리비) Operating Profit (영업이익, 동일하지는 않지만 사실상 Earnings Before Interest […]